Islam vs Christ Flash

out of whack

© ◄ Ayarsız..! ►
Forum Administrator
Islam vs Christ Flash



Salam. I don't see any content in the thread (be it some text or a flash video). And the title of the thread does not make sense to me at all. Since, Christ refers to Isa/Jesus and since vs. (versus) means being against to something, the title does not make sense at all. Because, the only thing that is against Isa/Jesus/Christ/Messiah is Anti-Christ which in Islamic terms is Dajjal. And Islam is not Dajjal/Anti-Christ. Those who change the religion upside down, be it among ''Christians'' or ''Muslims'' are dajjalish though. I don't know, maybe the title should be ''Islam vs. Christianity'', which again is not the best way of preaching. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.a) says; ''You have been sent to make things easy (for the people) and you have not been sent to make things difficult for them.'' He also says, ''Give glad tidings to people, do not make them hate.'' Thus, Muslims should have a positive approach in preaching. For instance, I would rather focus on commonalities, in this case and refer Christians to the books like, ''Islam in the Bible'' by Thomas McElwain for example. Thanks. ma salam

out of whack

© ◄ Ayarsız..! ►
Forum Administrator
Salam. I don't see any content in the thread (be it some text or a flash video). And the title of the thread does not make sense to me at all. Since, Christ refers to Isa/Jesus and since vs. (versus) means being against to something, the title does not make sense at all. Because, the only thing that is against Isa/Jesus/Christ/Messiah is Anti-Christ which in Islamic terms is Dajjal. And Islam is not Dajjal/Anti-Christ. Those who change the religion upside down, be it among ''Christians'' or ''Muslims'' are dajjalish though. I don't know, maybe the title should be ''Islam vs. Christianity'', which again is not the best way of preaching. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.a) says; ''You have been sent to make things easy (for the people) and you have not been sent to make things difficult for them.'' He also says, ''Give glad tidings to people, do not make them hate.'' Thus, Muslims should have a positive approach in preaching. For instance, I would rather focus on commonalities, in this case and refer Christians to the books like, ''Islam in the Bible'' by Thomas McElwain for example. Thanks. ma salam
Vealeykümselam I'm looking for this video.